The Result

     After the motor was done and ready to install, the rest is history. Put the motor in, and do big burnouts! (not really)

Since we pulled the motor without an oil pan, intake, or heads, it was a lot easier to get it out than it was to install. But after a tight squeeze it dropped right in. Once the motor was in, the radiator was reinstalled and topped off, then it was off to the races.

Since we did all the adjustments on the run stand, it was pretty much good to go out the gate. The only exception was that the choke could use some help. This car is equipped with dual carburetors, meaning that it has two throttles and two chokes. Now while the throttles are connected and in sync, only one choke was being used.

To solve this issue, one of the techs here made a custom choke linkage to connect the two chokes by welding a ball onto the end of a rod that connected the two. (Pictured below)

After some jet changes and carb tuning to achieve the desired air fuel ratio, the car was pretty much ready to go home.

This blog post wasn't as long as the previous two for this car, but that's because we did everything before the motor went into the car.

Glad you made it to the end!


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